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MUI Image Specifications

   MUI Image specifications always starts with a digit, followed by a
':', followed by some parameters.  Currently, the following things are

   * "0:[x]" where [x] is between MUII_BACKGROUND and MUII_FILLBACK2
     identifying a builtin pattern.

   * "1:[x]" where [x] identifies a builtin standard image.  Don't use
     this, use "6:[x]" instead.

   * "2:[r],[g],[b]" where [r], [g] and [b] are 32-bit RGB color values
     specified as 8-digit hex string (e.g.  00000000 or ffffffff). 
     Kick 2.x users will get an empty image.

   * "3:[n]" where [n] is the name of an external boopsi image class.

   * "4:[n]" where [n] is the name of an external MUI brush.

   * "5:[n]" where [n] is the name of an external picture file that
     should be loaded with datatypes.  Kick 2.x users will get an empty

   * "6:[x]" where [x] is between MUII_WindowBack (0) and MUII_Count-1
     (41) identifying a preconfigured image/background.